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World of Warcraft: Crossroads: The World of War Within Anthology

After witnessing the fall of Dalaran and braving the depths beneath Khaz Algar, the heroes of Azeroth face an uncertain future. Across the world, old hatreds are rising and Xal’atath remains at large, at work on her own machinations.  But even amidst a tide of chaos and fear, hope remains.

Join Thrall, Jaina Proudmoore, Renzik the Shiv, Faerin Lothar, Alleria Windrunner, and the Locus-Walker in this new collection of novellas and short stories that provide deeper insight into the powers at play and the battles still to fight following The War Within. These tales serve as a reminder that Azeroth’s fate is shaped by the sacrifices and struggles of all, and that even small, quiet actions can echo large throughout history.

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