Author: Cymre


As soon as I logged in yesterday, Veluxia sent me a tell informing me that Oondasta (the new world...

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Overpowered Pets & Abilities

As part of Navi’s Ten Days of Pet Battles: Day 4: What was the most epic pet battle/capture you ever had? There are a few that stick out but not for the excitement value that others have written about like capturing a rare...

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Yesterday I was curious to see how much of the AQ40 set I could pick up after farming the classic...

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The Voices Within

Enhance your experience of The War Within, the first expansion in World of Warcraft‘s World Soul Saga, with this immersive short story anthology featuring an all-star cast of bestselling, award-winning authors.

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Guardians of the Dream Pets - 10.2
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Cymre Jones blue embroidered hoodie