If you’ve been following my journey on YouTube, you’ll know that the felcycle mount has now been claimed by players. It all started when we obtained the Detective title after completing 16 days of the Guest Relations quests during WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event at the pavilion grounds above the Caverns of Time.

Once you have the title, the Dalaran Survivor in Dornogal offers the first quest, leading us on the epic adventure for Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle. If you’d like to follow along, you can check out my Ratt’s Revenge playlist, but I recommend watching the complete guide for the logical steps of how the clues were meant to be solved – saving some of the lifespan on your mouse.

Since the whole chain has already been recorded, this will be a supplemental guide for all the information I couldn’t include in the final video. Thanks to the development team for creating this massive series of puzzles.


In the opening of Ratts’ Revenge, players heeded the warning of mysterious wisps in the Borean Tundra, investigated a lead from a Dalaran Survivor in Dornogal, and tracked Ratts down a dark hole beneath Azj-Kahet.

Why were these wisps in Northrend, anyway? Did they really travel all the way from Kalimdor to warn us about the peculiar key? About Ratts?

This prologue was our first attempt at bridging the gap between noticeable secrets and truly difficult secrets. There were multiple visible signs of a secret being present (the Distracting Wisps and the gray quest marker above the Dalaran Survivor), and in fact earlier versions of this secret had multiple groups of Distracting Wisps across the Guest Relations quests. We wanted this secret to be seen by the more casual secret-finders as an opportunity to find out about the deeply hidden mysteries of Azeroth. In practice, this encouraged some players to attempt to solve Incognitro without understanding what they were getting themselves into, so we may adjust our approach in the future to be clearer about the difficulty up front.

Source: Blue Post

Things to note

  • Progress will be saved if you relog, die or leave the Ratt’s Revenge instance.
  • Some steps are group or shard-enabled so if you are in the vicinity or grouped with other players, you may get credit too.
  • Progress is character-specific

7 orbs for the felcycle mount

Early on, the community likened the pillars to the hands of a clock since the 12 posts resembled a clock face. That said, all the information is already included in the complete guide on YouTube but since the description only provides 5,000 characters, I’ll add all the information here. The above image shows 7 completed orbs from 1 – 7 o’clock. The two orbs around 10 o’clock were not part of the puzzle.

LOVE – 1 o’clock

The Light of Their Love buff proved a little buggy for me so if you find the second or third buff doesn’t register for you, restart the game and launcher. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice this until I was staring at the obelisk so save yourself some time and keep a keen eye on your buff stack. Nagrand’s Olgra is in two locations based on whether her Consumed by Vengeance quest was completed by a Horde player.

olgra location for alliance in nagrand

PRAY – 2 o’clock

Once you complete Orb 1, the Crumpled Notes near the Arcane Room changes as long as the Love buff remains active.

When gods of mantids pierce the Veil stand high above the glowing Tail and pray With gifts of gods imbued that they may claim your puppy too.

The following items also work:

Note: you can still get the Key of Shadows if a person has all required items and you are within 10 yards of the obelisk location (as long as they are in the BfA phase). Make sure you do the /pray emote targeting the obelisk when you see someone with the pet costume.

HATE – 3 o’clock

Fishing will be needed for the Astral Key. I’d say the higher your level, the fewer attempts you will need to fish up the key. Be sure to loot the container soon after you unlock it or you will need to input the code again. Although there doesn’t seem to be a ‘right’ lucky slot machine, you may need to try this several times with a different number of 7’s to get your last Piece of Hate.

Feeling Lucky?

The last console, or set of consoles, surrounds Incognitro itself. There are exactly 17 “Feeling Lucky?” slot machines, any of which work for this puzzle. The code is simply any sequence which contains a lucky number. To be inclusive of many real-world cultures, lucky numbers included 777, 888, and 168. However, the machine only gives you a Piece of Hate if you are “lucky” enough, as judged by whether you have 5 unique luck buffs from any of the 13 possible sources of luck. Fittingly for the theme of this puzzle, many players seem to think that chance is involved and will try longer sequences of 7s, other consoles, or continued inputs hoping for a better outcome.

If you’ve done this correctly, you should have 9 Pieces of Hate. If you don’t, check your progress with this macro:

/run local s,t={“Ko’nani”,”Room 430″,”Ruben”,”Here#1″,”Here#2″,”Hear”,”Violence”,”Handwritten”,”Slots”},{57,58,66,68,69,70,71,72,86} print(“Pieces of Hate:”) for i,v in ipairs(t) do print(i,s[i],”:”,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84700+v)) end

DOOM – 4 o’clock

You may not need the Scroll of Fel Binding if you have a warlock friend that can cast Ritual of Doom or there’s already a Doomguard at Uther’s Tomb. Just make sure there’s one alive to see the hidden graffiti needed for the next step.

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84780))

MUFFIN – 5 o’clock

If you get locked out from accepting Zarhym’s skull for the day, you can click the spectral urn inside the Ratt’s Revenge instance recently added near the top of the stairs of the catacombs entrance.

If you need a quick way to level some pets, you can obtain a free Ultimate Battle-Training Stone soon after you open up the pet menagerie in your Draenor Garrison.

Here’s a quick and easy way to solo Pets vs. Pests to open up the pet menagerie and the Ultimate Battle-Training Stone you can collect.

Jeremy Feasel battle for the Golden Muffin

This is a list of confirmed ‘secret’ pets that can be used for Jeremy Feasel’s battle on the Timeless Isle. I have guides for most of these so if you’re missing some, click on any of the links below for sources and teams used. If you don’t have all three pets from any team, you should be able to mix and match from the 3 teams below.

Secret Pets and how to get them

Team 1:
Spyragos, Nelthara, Taptaf

Team 2:
Sun Darter Hatchling, Snowclaw Cub, Jenafur

Team 3:
Baa’l, Phoenix Wishwing, Wicker Pup

Other Secret Pets
Bumbles (Alliance)
Bugbiter Tortoise requires the world quest Brightblade’s Bones to be up for the handin
Gizmo the Pure

Additional Pets
Lil’ Abom
Hungering Claw
Filthy Slime

Note: Phoenix Wishwing, Wicker Pup, Sun Darter Hatchling, Snowclaw Cub, and Taptaf are all cageable.

You must have the 4 o’clock pillar lit. Otherwise, Jeremy Feasel will not offer the quest. Use the above script to ensure you’ve completed the 4 o’clock pylon.

ALTARS – 6 o’clock

This one seems to give group credit so if one person is only missing one item at any given altar, you can all gain credit if you have the missing piece. If you don’t see the spectral chest, ensure you have completed the previous step for the Golden Muffin.

Sin/Venthyr Altar
Pet: Sinheart
Toy: Bondable Sinstone
Transmog: Any sinstone back cosmetic

Corrupt Altar
Mount: Any mount with “Corrupt” in its name.
Pet: Any pet with “Corrupt” in its name.
Toy: Ring of Broken Promises or Accursed Tome of the Sargerei
Transmog: Any cloak that shares appearance with Cloak of Overwhelming Corruption

  • The Corruption spirit will accept seven kinds of corrupted mounts and three kinds of corrupted pets.

Succubus/Incubus Altar
Pet: Sister of Temptation
Toy: Steamy Romance Novel (use to acquire a novel in your bags)
Transmog: Fully hidden/naked transmog (Moroes’ Famous Polish Toy works)

  • The Lust spirit will accept any of a certain kind of book, and two different pets.

Blood Altar
Mount: Must have “Blood” in its name
Pet: Must have “Blood” in its name
Toy: Throbbing Blood Orb

Shadow/Void Altar
Pet: Lesser Voidcaller, Voidwiggler, Sir Shady Mrrglton, etc
Toy: Shadowy Disguise, Void Totem, Sylvanas’s Music Box
Transmog: Any black cloak that shares appearance with Cloak of the Black Void

  • The Void/Shadow spirit originally required both the Shadowy Disguise and Void Totem toys; this was a bit too challenging, so now the spirit only requires one toy out of four possible options (as well as one of eight battle pets.)

Script for 6 o’clock – ALTARS

/run for i,a in ipairs({“Sin”,”Corrupt”,”Succubus”,”Blood”,”Shadow”,”Chest”})do print(a,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84805+i))end

WATCHERS – 7 o’clock

There are nine Owl of the Watcher statues on the Isle of the Watchers. Summon your Fledgling Warden Owl battle pet (available at Revered with The Wardens or from the AH). Make sure your pet interacts with all four coloured statues (red, blue, green and purple). The owl flies in circles and the magnifying glass pops over your head. Your owl will be empowered when you see a white orb on top of its head.

/way #630 44.18 72.41 Owl of the Watchers A
/way #630 40.54 73.15 Owl of the Watchers B
/way #630 40.52 75.19 Owl of the Watchers C
/way #630 37.10 82.16 Owl of the Watchers D
/way #630 43.24 85.30 Owl of the Watchers E
/way #630 43.66 87.51 Owl of the Watchers F
/way #630 50.45 91.67 Owl of the Watchers G
/way #630 47.48 84.74 Owl of the Watchers H
/way #630 45.97 84.06 Owl of the Watchers I

Inside the Dungeon

Note: Make sure you pick up the orb on the left side of the platform before you kill the last boss because that orb disappears once the dungeon is over. Also, don’t dilly-dally in the room because a couple of minutes past the boss kill, traps will appear on the path leading to the lift, and you won’t be able to leave with the orb.

Owl Statues

Vault of the Wardens “Lights Out” puzzle
Note: Make sure you complete the dungeon part, or you will lose all progress. I learnt this the hard way after placing the first statue. Also, don’t reset the puzzle unless you want to start from scratch. You can do this by clicking the addon or talking to the Owl Sentry again.

Download the StatueSolver addon from CurseForge.

  1. Right-click on a statue in the main grid to open a window where you can choose which statues are being controlled. Each statue controls itself and four other statues.
  2. Once all mappings are complete, left-click on the statues in the main grid window to match what you see on the puzzle board
  3. Press the “Solve” button to open the Solution grid.
  4. The Solution grid will display clickable cells, each numbered with the estimated solution. Available statues in the solution are coloured yellow. Non-clickable cells will still display a number indicating their position in the solution.

Note: If a control mapping has been set for a cell on the main window, a red border will appear around it. Additionally, hovering over a cell on the main window with a saved mapping will highlight the cells it controls, so make sure all the cells are mapped before hitting Solve.

The solve sequence will also be in the chatbox which is the grid number I call out, not what you see on the addon.

Notes from the author:
– Wow’s LUA implementation is single-threaded. Any script tries to block the game while it runs. This can lead to the WoW.exe freezing while it finishes. Just wait and it should complete on its own.
– If there are too many pathways to try without a found solution, WoW will stop the function from running with an error “Script ran too long.” There’s nothing to be done about that except change the statues up/down and try again. Most of the tests I’ve ran have succeeded fairly quickly with proper statue mapping.
– I have not found a way for this to be automated. Nothing about the statues tells us the position or unique IDs to properly track them.

There’s also a website you can try if you don’t have much luck with the addon.

RATS – 8 o’clock

Note: this has been nerfed. There are only 3 to unlock now.


  1. Only push Begin ONCE until you’ve opened all 7 locks.
    If you fail, hit Begin again to reset all the locks. You can also try exiting the catacombs and resetting the instance. If you come back in and there are no Rats, hit Submit, then Begin to respawn the rats.
  2. Don’t use AoE. You may be killing more Rats than the one you’re counting.
  3. Make sure you drag off all the statues used for the previous lock.
  4. The Catacomb Rats can respawn. Make sure you kill the ones close to any plates.
  5. Writing down which lock you’re up to helped keep track of which lock I was up to.
  6. To get inside the gem room, target the pink/purple crystal on the right side of the room, then use your Relic of Crystal Connections to get inside.

Pressure Plates
Here are the colours depending on the number of statues, and people standing on the plates:
1 – Blue, 2 – Green, 3 – Yellow, 4 – Orange, 5 – Purple.

catacombs rat statues

Rat Macro
/target Rat
/cleartarget [help][dead]
/stopmacro [noexists][dead]
/run SetRaidTarget(“target”,8)
/ping [@target]

CIPHER – 9 o’clock

After 2 weeks, the final cipher had finally been cracked.

Felcycle Mount

For those interested, here is WPolly’s explanation on how the final code was discovered:

We take the string from the plaque, and decode it thrice using Vigenere Cipher
Hourglass: decode by 11232024/23112024 in your locale
2 Books: decode by the two halves of the 16-long “missing rhyme” string

While decoding, pretend there’s a zeroth letter at the beginning of alphabet (so ()=0, A=1, …, Z=26) )

Soon after that, we were given a brief explanation from Josh (one of the developers):

To be like me, you need to know: (To get Ratts’ motorcycle)
The missing rhyme (FOR THE LOVE OF PLAY, left out of the final chapter)
The crystal’s glow (Relic of Crystal Connections, needed to reach the final console)
The stars above (Starry Eyed Goggles needed to reach the final console)
The space below (The location of the final console in Pillar-Nest Vosh)
The time of now for long ago (11/23/2024, the 20th anniversary date)

Shift code by anniversary date
Shift code by missing rhyme (wrap it around because the rhyme is twice as long as the code)
Interpret the letters as numbers

orb 9

And there you have it. Many of us were surprised to find the mount in the 9th chest but when you decipher the final code it reads TTFN.

Josh had a few things to say at the end:

  • For the sake of accessibility, I will never make you push a button 1000 times. If there is or will be importance to that button, I will provide alternate means of progress.
  • I did once to ensure it was doable (to access the secret cave as a gnome). This is admittedly a less accessible portion of the secret.
  • I would prefer to stick to our unspoken policy that Blizzard never acknowledges whether something is a secret or not. That said, the correct interpretation of the orb 9 code is that Ratts is telling you “ta-ta for now”. And I personally feel that this would be a good point to end this chapter of her story.
  • I’ll say one more thing that maybe I haven’t mentioned: I don’t think it’s datamineable yet, but the purple orbs on 10-12 are called the Flames of Four Shadows (or something like that)

Did you enjoy this secret event?