Writings of the End unlocks the Tomekeeper’s Spire which is one of the hidden appearances for Light’s Wrath.
Things to note:
- Tomes have a respawn timer (~1 hour from what I’ve seen)
- The rares do not have to be rare when you kill them
- Rare tomes are a limited drop, meaning only one priest can loot them at a time
- You can collect the tomes in any order
Track your progress:
/run AddTrackedAchievement(11152) – Complete 100 dungeons using a hidden artifact appearance.
/run AddTrackedAchievement(11153) – Complete 200 world quests using a hidden artifact appearance.
/run AddTrackedAchievement(11154) – Kill 1,000 players using a hidden artifact appearance.
Dalaran & Netherlight Temple
Once you reach Artifact Knowledge 4, talk to Archivist Inkforge who is sitting on the bench between Juvess the Duskwhisperer and the Sanctuary of the Light.
Once he gives you the first volume (select the middle chat options), you can collect the other eleven.
Volume I | The Violet Citadel
Archivist Elysiana is standing on the left, just as you enter the Citadel. The first volume is sitting on the second shelf of the right bookshelf.
Volume II | Class Order Hall
Head to the back where you research Artifact Knowledge with Juvess the Duskwhisperer. There’s a Draenei Anchorite (58.2, 26.2) standing next to a table. Volume II is on the middle of the table.
Volume IV | Class Order Hall
On the left of Meridelle Lightspark (Priest set vendor), there’s a set of mounted shelves. Volume IV is standing on the right side of the lower shelf.
Volume III | New Hearthglen
This volume sits on top of the bookshelf in the Library Wing (73.2 ,72.1) of the cloister.
Eastern Kingdoms
Volume V | Scholomance
Enter Chillheart’s room and kill the first lot of trash on the right side of the room. The tome sits on top of the bookshelf.

Volume VII | Scarlet Halls
On the left side of the final room (Flameweaver Koegler), you’ll see Volume VII resting at the end of the bench.
Volume XI | Karazhan
Just after the Curator, jump down on the RHS of the Guardian’s Library and head towards the end of the first stack. The tiny volume is sitting on the bottom of the left bookshelf.
Broken Isles
Volume X | Black Rook Hold
After the first boss, you’ll enter the Chamber of War. The book is sitting on the edge of a table on the left-hand side of the room.
Volume VI | Stormheim
Head to the cave, east of Dreadwake’s Landing and loot the book from the rare Inquisitor Ernstonbok.
Volume VIII | Azsuna
Chief Bitterbrine is a rare on the sunken ship – the Queen’s Reprisal (65.6, 56.7). You can fly to Shackle’s Den and head towards the lower ‘N’ of The Ruined Sanctum when looking at your world map.
Volume XII | Suramar
Head to the Athenaeum at the top of Moon Guard Stronghold and kill the rare Artificer Lothaire (34.3, 15.4).
Once you’ve collected all twelve, return to Archivist Inkforge in Netherlight Temple. He offers you the Writings of the End in exchange for the tomes.
In addition to this one, the default appearance and one from the Priest campaign would have to be my favourites. The Tomekeeper’s appearance definitely suits my relic hunter the most. The only thing missing is an Enchanted Torch to light my way.
I love that appearance for the Disc Artifact and I know I’d like to get it with my Disc Priest, so many thanks for the guide on how to get it!
Oh, you’re very welcome. I’m glad it’s helping someone. :D
Here’s another thanks! Your guide was perfect, and I especially liked the photos showing exactly where each book is. Very helpful. :)
I appreciate that, thanks! :)