There are lots of exciting additions this year including a new pet, mount, several toys and 4 garrison daily quests:
Completing them will reward 5x Merry Supplies each day.
Players who have completed Harrison Jones’ Gronnsbane questline should recognise the alter directly beneath Grumpus.
Garrison Decorations
These may be purchased from your garrison event coordinator Izzy Hollyfizzle for 5x Merry Supplies each and require a level 3 garrison to display. Decorations are account bound so you can technically have all the decorations on one character that first day if you have 4 alts to do the dailies.
- Ball of Tangled Lights: “A festive display of lights and wreaths.”
- Imported Trees: “A festive collection of trees and presents.”
- Little Helpers: “Winter Veil helpers and a Winter Wondervolt.”
- Festive Outfits: “Dress your garrison guards for the season.”
- Old Box of Decorations: “A collection of candy canes, mistletoe and stockings.”
Once you have all the decorations, extra currency may be used to buy a toy and Savage Gift.
Savage Gift
- 300x Oil
- 300x Garrison Resources
- 1000x Apexis Crystals
- Medallion of the Legion
- Frozen Arms of a Hero
- Elixir of the Rapid Mind
- Minion of Grumpus (low chance)
Grumpling may be looted from Snow Mounds around Grumpus in Frostfire Ridge. I managed to get mine after my 6th snow mound but get ready to have these stolen from right under your feet. WTB shared looting in Legion. Note he’s uncommon when learnt and can be caged.
- Red Wooden Sled – inside the Gently Shaken Gift
- Crashin’ Thrashin’ Flamer Controller inside the special Winter Veil Gift
- Crashin’ Thrashin’ Killdozer Controller – sold by Izzy Hollyfizzle
The Minion of Grumpus has a chance to be looted from the Savage Gift (mine took seven attempts).
Smokywood Pastures Special Gift
The reward from the Treats for Great-Father Winter quest may contain:
- Winter’s Grasp – a new weapon illusion
- Flames of Ragnaros (low chance)
- Fizzy Apple Cider – increases gathering rate
- Snow Blower – creates a snowstorm
- Yellow Snowball – the worst snowball
- “Merry Munchkin” Costume – new pug disguise found inside the Carefully Wrapped Present
Got lucky with the Grumpling on my first snowpack. And the Merry Supplies are BoA, so you can send them to a toon who’s lacking oil/apexis/garrison resources.
Nice, congrats! :)
Go check out this awesome Winters Vale 2015 guide by @Cymre!
Winter Veil 2015
I’ve been enjoying it once they hotfixed the quests and I was lucky with the Grumpling too. So far so good!
I’m just wondering how low the loot chance is for that Grumpus mount? I’ve seen a few people with it so it’s probably not THAT bad.
No mount for me yet but I’m still hoping.