If Tanaan isn’t enough to keep you occupied in Patch 6.2.2, fear not because there’ll be a valid reason to head back to Nagrand. The patch will bring three new rares to the non-instanced version of Highmaul with three new pets to collect.

Vibrating Arcane Crystal – Rukdug located in the Path of Victors

Glittering Arcane Crystal – Guk located in the Market District

Warm Arcane Crystal – Pugg located in The Underbelly
The best part is, they’re not spores or moths and apart from their identical run-of-the-mill abilities between levels 1 and 15, it’s their level 20 ability which sets them apart.
- Empowered uses Flux
- Empyreal uses Prismatic Barrier
- Energized uses Evanescence
Look familiar? They’re almost identical to the Manos, Hanos and Fatos trio in the Menagerie.
So what are your thoughts? I think they look great and will have to see how well they drop on live.
Yay for more recolored reskins. They kille dmy fun with the battle pet system with the garrison as well as my main money maker in wow.
I’m happy, any excuse to fly around Nagrand is great to me and a chance at a pet to boot? Perfect! Hopefully I’ll be able to kill those guys if I see them.