As the nights get cooler on this side of the world, what better time to warm yourself against a virtual flame? The Midsummer Fire Festival is just revving up and there is one new toy in 2023 if you’ve completed all the achievements already. The festival runs from June 21 to July 5.
New for 2024
- Cliffside Wylderdrake: Midsummer Fire Festival Armor – requires level 60 for the Satchel of Chilled Goods to drop from Frost Lord Ahune. It only drops from your first kill per account. Bad luck protection will increase your chances each day.
- Midsummer Safeguard and the Mantle of Midsummer. These cosmetics cost 350 Burning Blossoms each.

Ribbon Dance and the Blazing Cindercrawler
When you first kill the holiday boss, Lord Ahune drops a pickup quest – the Shards of Ahune, rewarding you with a blue Tabard of Summer Skies or the orange Tabard of Summer Flames as well as 20 Burning Blossoms. If you want to swap colours, just destroy your tabard and ask the tabard vendor for the other colour. This counts towards the tabard achievement. #winning
The holiday boss can drop the Frostscythe of Lord Ahune in addition to 385 iLevel capes.
Midsummer Vendors
You can find the Midsummer Merchant for Horde players and Midsummer Supplier for Alliance players in the major cities across Azeroth.
Cosmetic Items
- Crown of the Fire Festival requires A Thief’s Reward
- Helm of the Fire Festival – 350 Burning Blossoms
- Mantle of the Fire Festival – 100 Burning Blossoms
- Vestment of Summer – 100 Burning Blossoms
- Sandals of Summer – 200 Burning Blossoms
- Brazier of Dancing Flames – 350 Burning Blossoms
- Burning Defender’s Medallion – 500 Burning Blossoms
- Cozy Bonfire – 350 Burning Blossoms
- Fire Eater’s Hearthstone – 300 Burning Blossoms
- Set of Matches – 500 Burning Blossoms
- Fire Festival Batons – 50 Burning Blossoms (new for 2022)
- Insulated Dancing Insoles – 100 Burning Blossoms (new for 2022)
- Summer Cranial Skillet – 150 Burning Blossoms (new for 2022)
- Flamin’ Ring of Flashiness – 500 Burning Blossoms (new for 2023)
There are four pets from the Midsummer Fire Festival.
- Frigid Frostling drops from Lord Ahune (comes from the Ice Chip)
- Spirit of Summer – 350 Burning Blossoms (named Captured Flame on the vendor)
- Blazing Cindercrawler – 350 Burning Blossoms
- Igneous Flameling – 350 Burning Blossoms
The Crown of the Fire Festival is a reward for capturing all the flames from each capital city.
The Searing Scorchling used to be a drop from Lord Ahune but was later replaced by Ice Chip. It was later re-added in Patch 4.2 with a small chance of being looted from Zen’Vorka’s Cache sold by Zen’Vorka. This vendor is located in the Molten Front once you’ve collected x30 Marks of the World Tree from the dailies.
Flame Keeper
Cataclysm and Northrend – There were four achievements in 2012 with separate achievements for each faction.
- Flame Keeper of Northrend (Horde)
- Flame Keeper of Cataclysm (Alliance)
- Extinguishing the Cataclysm (Horde)
- Extinguishing Northrend (Alliance)
Here are the eight Alliance and Horde fires in Northrend.
- Fort Wildevar, Howling Fjord at 58,16 (Alliance) and Camp Winterhoof at 48,13 (Horde)
- Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills at 34,61 (Alliance) and Conquest Hold at 19,61 (Horde)
- The Argent Stand, Zul’drak at 41,61 (Alliance) and the Argent Stand at 43,71 (Horde)
- K3, Storm Peaks at 42,87 (Alliance) and K3 at 40,86 (Horde)
- Windrunner’s Overlook, Crystalsong Forest at 78,75 (Alliance) and Sunreaver’s Command at 80,53 (Horde)
- Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight at 75,44 (Alliance) and Agmar’s Hammer at 39,48 (Horde)
- Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra at 55,20 (Alliance) and Bor’gorok Outpost at 51,12 (Horde)
- River’s Heart, Sholazar Basin at 47,66 (Alliance) and River’s Heart at 47,62 (Horde)
The Uldum and Twilight Highlands fires are separate with the Deepholm, Vashj’ir, and Mount Hyjal fires being neutral.
- Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal at 62,22 (neutral)
- Silver Tide Hollow, Vashj’ir at 49,42 (neutral)
- Temple of Earth, Deepholm at 49,51 (neutral)
- Ramkahen, Uldum at 53,32 (Alliance) and Ramkahen at 53,34 (Horde)
- Thundermar, Twilight Highlands at 47,28 (Alliance) and Bloodgulch at 53,46 (Horde)
Pandaria – Flame Keeper of Pandaria (Horde) or Flame Warden of Pandaria (Alliance) as well as Extinguishing Pandaria (Horde) or Extinguishing Pandaria (Alliance)
- Binan Village, Kun-Lai Summit – 71.1, 90.9
- Dawn’s Blossom, The Jade Forest – 47.2, 47.2
- Zhu’s Watch, Krasarang Wilds – 74.0, 9.49
- Longying Outpost, Townlong Steppes – 71.5, 56.3
- Soggy’s Gamble, Dread Wastes – 56.1, 69.5
- Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds – 51.8, 51.4
- Mogu’shan Palace (both bonfires), Vale of Eternal Blossoms – 77.8, 33.9
Dragon Isles – Flame Keeper of the Dragon Isles (Horde) or Flame Warden of the Dragon Isles (Alliance)
- Dragonscale Basecamp, The Waking Shores (46, 82)
- Maruukai, Ohn’ahran Plains (63, 34)
- Iskaara, The Azure Span (12, 47)
- Valdrakken, Thaldraszus (53, 62)
- Morqut Islet, The Forbidden Reach (34, 60)
- Loamm, Zaralek Cavern (55, 55)
If you prefer an addon to track all the flames, you can use the one from HandyNotes Midsummer Festival.
Oh and if you haven’t picked up a Qiraji Guardling, they can only be captured outside the gates and ruins of AQ this time of year.
If that pet doesn’t drop this year on one character or another, I may through something out of the nearest window.
Nice write up, Cymre :)
I think this is my favorite holiday event, gives me an excuse to fly all over the place, revisiting places I like but I think I’ve given up on the ever getting the pet!
Also my spelling seems to get worse and worse. That sneaky “through” should of course be a “throw”.
I always love the screenies you take, Eye candy that they are ^_^ I did all events on my main So I left to debate which alt I will drag along this time.. I did try to attempt as many as I could and repeat on my main for the money one can gather at cap level But there never enough time in a day besides the event to do that for me. But it is always fun.
The most handy guide to Midsummer Fire Festival 2012 by @Cymre /love
That bloody pet. It bettter drop for me this year.
Hey look, I see me on your blog!
And Tome.. you used up all your luck on camels.
Maybe the Frostsythe will drop for me this year. I’ve been trying to get that for years now with no luck.
I’m with Zalajin, Frostsythe has refused to drop for me every year.
@Erin – GL for the pet
@Az – Thx :)
@Tome GL anyway :)
@Night – TY :) I do try and make them all unique and found a couple of those spots just yesterday :D
@Cool – yes, you do help me from time to time with these, like some of the rares, so TY :)
@Aspana – TY :D
@Nav/Zal/Soco – GL on all your drops this year. :)
That cheeky ice chip! Freezing your boobs like that :D