There are 19 new pets to collect including the new Raiding with Leashes II set from Burning Crusade.
Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition
Collecting all 10 pets from Karazhan, Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep will reward you with Tito.

Lil’ Bad Wolf (Spiky Collar) – Drops from Opera Event (Big Bad Wolf)

Menagerie Custodian (Instant Arcane Sanctum Security Kit) – Drops from The Curator

Fiendish Imp (Satyr Charm) – Drops from Terestian Illhoof

Netherspace Abyssal (Netherspace Portal-Stone) – Drops from Prince Malchezaar
Serpentshrine Cavern

Coilfang Stalker (Dripping Strider Egg) – Drops from Lady Vashj
Tempest Keep

Phoenix Hawk Hatchling (Brilliant Phoenix Hawk Feather) – Drops from Al’ar

Lesser Voidcaller (Crystal of the Void) – Drops from High Astromancer Solarian

Pocket Reaver (Tiny Fel Engine Key) – Drops from Void Reaver
Now with a reward like Tito, it was hard to resist taking a few Oz shots in Westfall. I’ve wanted to do a Dorothy feature for a while now so this was a perfect time.
I love his little animation that summons up a mini-tornado (with house and cow included) except Tito gets swept up as well.
Other Drops/Purchase


Gahz’rooki (Aquatic) – Purchased from Ravika or Tenuki in Durotar
Throne of Thunder

Living Fluid (Magic) – Drops from Primordius (LFR)

Viscous Horror (Magic) – Drops from Primordius in Throne of Thunder (normal and heroic)
Wild Pet
The Unborn Val’kyr is the only wild pet to come out this patch and may be found all over Northrend. Capturing (or killing) one will affect the spawn rate of another appearing somewhere else on the continent.
Brutal Pet Brawler: Win 250 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 pets.

Reward: Stunted Direhorn
No luck for me so far but then if I found them all the first day where would be the fun in that. Yeah, I keep telling myself that, lol!
Glad to see you’ve had some new additions since then.
Had no luck with new pets, still going through The Longest Day achieve :(
It feels like a real accomplishment to get that done!
Yay! Gratz! New pets!
After being unlucky all day I actually ended up with a couple of new pets too.
Congrats to you too :)
Gratz on the new pets! I really need to get myself into gear & start looking/farming for them.
Thanks. Good luck to you too.
Doing well on your pets! I hope you get them all soon :)
Thx Nav. Glad I could help with one of yours :)