By now you’ve probably seen the Zandalari Warbringers around the place, maybe even a lone Pterodactyl and the not so stealthy Warscouts traversing the zone. Although I always thought it was kind of amusing how you could see the scouts a fair distance away – as I spotted one while doing a fabled pet battle that first day.


There are only three Warbringers which can spawn in five locations around Pandaria. Each one is defined by the colour of mount he rides which has a small chance to drop if you’re very lucky. As a 92 rare elite, they are easily killed with just two people, as Cool and I have proved on numerous occasions. However, they do not share a tag like the Isle of Thunder rares so you’ll have to be quick if you want a chance at the spoils. Recently, the warbringers were hotfixed so they couldn’t be taunted which may be a welcome addition for some.

Just like War-God Dokah, the Warbringers share five abilities but will only use four at a time:

Each Warbringer can drop a combination of the following:

but with such a small drop rate for the mount, I have yet to see one.



At the same time, two Warscouts may be found walking in opposite directions from each Warbringer location with three of the above buffs active. These scouts should be soloable by every class and can drop the same items as the Warbringers (excluding the mounts) albeit less loot compared to their more difficult counterparts.

So good luck and happy hunting.