Look what arrived in the mail today, my brand-spankin’ new Safari Hat from Taming the World. The third achievement in the series follows Taming the Wild and Taming the Great Outdoors. These quests are account-bound and won’t take long if you have access to all the continents. If you’re stuck on 39/40, try battling the first tamer for the opposite faction.
For Horde, that would be Zunta, The Pet Tamer, located west of the road leading out of Orgrimmar (close to Thunder Ridge) or Julia, the Pet Tamer at the Maclure Vineyards in Elwynn Forest.

43.8 28.8

41.6, 83.6
The hat is bound to your Battle.net account, so you’ll be able to use it on any toon under that account.
The hat comes with a letter from Breanni:
I can’t believe it. You are really taking these tamers out!
I have been watching your progress and its amazing! you are just taking out tamer after tamer. I figured this hat might be useful to you on your quest to the final Zen Master in Pandaria.
Keep up the good work!
Here are some of the most recent additions over the last couple of days.
So far, I’ve named quite a few of my pets after bloggers and Twitter people. You may even find one named after you!
Here’s to levelling up the rest of my pets :)
LOL another Erinys! OK that’s it I’m changing mine :) Grats on all those pets they look fantastic, can’t wait to catch some.
It was the obvious choice, I don’t think it matters if there’s more than one does it? :)
Call me biased but I’d say nope, doesn’t matter at all :p
I definitely need to acquire the raptor. The mechanical models are amazing. Also need to finish naming all the pets. Semi scared people will go “eek you called that after me … why?” when I unveil everything though.
Still no sign of a hat in my mailbox. I guess this weekend I’ll have to cycle through all my toons to see if anyone got it. I’ve also heard that walking into an instance can make the game wake up and remember that you’re supposed to have one.
I read that too about zoning into an instance. I did a few raids yesterday so that seems to have helped. I managed to get two hats in the end. Hope you get one without putting in a ticket.
There will be a great army of Erinys marching on us if we’re not careful! And thanks for the reminder, I keep forgetting to wear my new hat!
Wouldn’t that be a sight to see.
Just saw who you named me after =)
I thought it only fitting :)
I love that your dressed for hunting! Gratz on catching these new pets – I haven’t been having much luck with them all Ive been able to find so far is two the infinite whelpling and eternal strider. Maybe a third one but I didn’t write it down dang it.