After my last five unique tames, I was up for tracking Hexapos since I recently reached 90 on my Hunter. So I headed over to Dread Wastes to see if I could find his Mysterious Tracks. Using a map supplied by Sneaky Sams, I managed to track him on the southernmost part of his path above the Briny Muck.
Currently, his track still runs backwards but this may change in 5.1.
Remember that Water Striders are exotic creatures so you’ll have to be specced BM to tame it.
The only bad thing was having to abandon another pet from my stable of rares =/
Grats on another! It’s nice to know there is so much to look forward to but makes it hard to decide who to level next, Hunter for fun or someone else for profit, lol.
I’m sure whatever you decide will be a good choice :)
Congratulations for the tame! That’s one fancy-coloured water strider. :)
Thx, he was HUGE in the wild, like most of them.