Pandaren Champions may drop a satchel (containing linens, jewels or skins), a piece of armour as well as a special item. Although the ones in lower-level zones drop things like a Small Bag of Goods instead.

Drop – Battle Horn
Blackhoof may be found just north of the Stormstout Brewery, skinning a dead Sungraze Mushan.

Drop – Magic Banana
Bonobos can be found within Paoquan Hollow

Drop – Terracotta Fragment
Jonn-Dar may be found standing in the middle of the ruins, north of Nesingwary’s Safari

Drop – Dynasty of Steel
Nal’lak flies aound the border of the broken wall

Drop – Seed of Tranquil Growth
Nasra may be found under the pagoda between the two bridges crossing over from Jade Forest.

Drop – Salyin Battle Banner
Salyin may be found along the river, Krasarang Wilds side.

Drop – Overgrown Lilypad
Sele’na may be found in the marshes of New Cifera.

Drop – Crystal of Insanity
Found just outside of the Cavern of Endless Echoes, north of Cattail Lake.
Like the Sha of Anger, Galleon used to be marked on the map whenever he was up but was later removed. The first time I saw the marking in Valley of the Four Winds, I was intrigued by what the icon said so I went to take a closer look. I was amazed at the sheer size of him as you could see him a great distance away.
Chief Salyis seems to run the show, yelling various things at the Saurok Skirmishers riding on Galleon’s back. You can see, he runs a tight ship mushan as he whips them into shape while they fire those cannon shots into the distance.
As you can see, Galleon has 261 Million health while Chief Salyis has 11 million health.
- Fire Shot – Saurok Skirmishers riding on Galleon’s back fire flaming crossbow bolts at random players, inflicting 15,000 Fire damage.
- Stomp – Galleon stomps the ground, inflicting 92,500 to 107,500 Physical damage to players within 70 yards and knocking them down for 3 sec.
- Cannon Barrage – Chief Salyis orders his minions to fire off eight powerful cannon blasts. Each blast inflicts 300,000 Fire damage to players within 10 yards and knocks them back.
- Salyin Warmonger – Chief Salyis’ Warmongers periodically jump down from Galleon’s back to engage players.
- Impaling Pull – Pulls a distant target towards the Warmonger and inflicts 13,875 to 16,125 Physical damage.
The third time I went looking for him he was nowhere to be found. Logging in sometime later, I found him in a similar spot to the first two. Each time somewhere along on the south-west bank of the zone across the river.
They are all so pretty, I’d be mesmerized by them while they sneakily killed me. Maybe I’ll get used to everything looking so new and different by the time I meet up with any!
Yay!!! Love looking at your screenies of these things! So bright and vivid!
(I also like how Nal’lak is totally dead but it looks like he’s dancing or something hehe) =P
@Tome – True, although it really all depends on their respawn rate as they have been spawning regularly lately.
@Euphy – Thx! I have more but it looks a bit odd if I just have one or two for the zone. :P
Dumb question of the day: I have tried to find where the Glorious achievement is in the ‘chieve sections, and can’t find it so I can track it. Maybe I’ll just keep finding them and wait for the surprise.
Those achievements can be pretty sneaky. This one can be found under Exploration > Pandaria. Happy Hunting :)
Oh I just noticed you’re up to the achievement before it called: Could We Find More Like That? You’re missing a Yaungol kill. Once you do that, it should open up the Glorious one.