There are currently 14 pets available to collect during Children’s Week. Originally it was only possible to collect one pet per year but with the addition of Outland and Northrend, we’re now able to complete each set of quests per toon. Players will still only be able to choose one companion per toon so, in order to collect them all, you will need to run multiple toons.
The good news is, that you can choose an Alliance or Horde player to collect all the pets since the questline is the same for both factions.
Orgrimmar/ Stormwind
Horde players can adopt an Orcish orphan by speaking to Orphan Matron Battlewail in The Drag area of Orgrimmar and accepting the Children’s Week quest if you are level 10 or above. Use the Orcish Orphan Whistle to summon Grunth, and complete the questline.
Alliance can adopt a Human orphan in Stormwind City by speaking with Orphan Matron Nightingale and accepting her Children’s Week, quest if you are level 10 or above. Use the Human Orphan Whistle to summon Randis, and complete this questline.
- Mr. Wiggles
- Scooter the Snail
- Speedy
- Whiskers the Rat
Shattrath (Outland)
Horde and Alliance players can adopt a Blood Elf or Draenei orphan in Shattrath City by speaking with Orphan Matron Mercy on the eastern side of the Lower City area and accepting her Children’s Week quest. Use the Blood Elf Orphan Whistle to summon Salandria, or the Draenei Orphan Whistle to summon Dornaa, and complete their questline.
- Egbert
- Legs
- Peanut
- Willy
Dalaran (Northrend)
In Northrend, you can choose to sponsor either the Oracle or Wolvar orphan by talking to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran. As with the others, you can obtain the other pet by completing these quests on an alt.
- Curious Oracle Hatchling
- Curious Wolvar Pup
Kul Tiras and Zandalar
In Battle for Azeroth, the Alliance and Horde require their own questlines with each faction sticking to their own continent.
Which is your favourite orphan or pet? I’ve always loved Willy and find Salandria particularly adorable.
Although Ay has adopted a few of these pets, Willy is his all time favorite. They go everywhere together. Willy sometimes just watchs everything. But sometimes he’ll kill off some rodent or other pest that gets too close to Ay from behind. lol, he’s rather amuseing with these rare kills!
I am so behind on the Azeroth ones, I don’t know why I always forget to do those, and I wonder if there will be even more come Mists, got to catch up!
Willy is the best pet ever….no contest! I love that little guy, lol.