If Azeroth was the real world, where would you vacation to?
Ordinarily, I would have said the Gallywix Pleasure Palace in Azshara since that’s where I had my last big vacation. But recently I’d heard rumours about a new resort in Feralas already buzzing with activity. As a Field Correspondent, I was able to gather a bit of Intel from my most recent assignment. However, the place is so ‘Hush, Hush’ that I couldn’t even find a name for the resort.

Revitalise your senses in the Steam Pools

Take in the Beach View
It wasn’t too hard finding everything you need as the Goblins were friendly enough. Just make sure you take a good look around because you never know who you’ll find there.

You’ll find the Resort Director right inside the hut on the right

It was quite unnerving being so close to his butcher’s knife (given his reputation and temper) so I gave his menu a miss.

Better get there early for cocktail hour

Sadly, the fast food line was even longer

Take a scenic tour on one of the Travel Mammoths

Perhaps join Trip Hullbolt on the daily fishing expedition aboard the Lucky Bucket

Daily expeditions can be tiresome so it’s nice to relax for a while. Notice anyone familiar in the background?

Five points if you got it right. Of course, he’s the centre of attention.

Spent the rest of the day relaxing on the beach

Makes me wonder what else is coming with all the construction going on
Edit: The zone is used for a phased version of the Mysterious Camel Figurine event.
Find out more about the creative challenge set up by Saz at World of Saz where we’ve been tasked with sharing 15 days of screenshots.
Love your second screenshot, the steam rising off the pools balances brilliantly with the resort laid out beneath them.
I am compiling a list of places I want to revisit from your Through Your Interface posts. I love the steam pools and Johnny Awesome’s there? Thanks Cymre, I’m off to Feralas!
I didn’t realise Johnny Awesome was there! I will have to go look.
I know right! I need to take a pit stop next time i fly over Feralas.
@Erinys – Glad you like it :)
@Ancient – LOL, You crack me up :P
@Navimie – Him and the Head Chef are must sees imo
@Roshii – Let me know if I missed out on anything when you visit :P