The Family Familiar meta-achievement will likely take several months to complete since it requires you to defeat 12 Master Tamers using a single pet family. That means 120 battles over the course of the expansion. Get ready, you’re going to need a decent number of pets for this.
Stuck on a particular tamer? Check out my strategies by clicking any of their names below. If you find any of the strategies helpful, pls give the video a like and leave a comment to help out the channel and other players. Rematch strings are available on Patreon.
To help keep track of the achievement, I highly recommend the Family Familiar Helper addon. It’s an easy way to see which families you still need to complete for any of the Family type metas. Check out my video on how it works.
This is a list of all the pets I used for the meta. As always, you can follow my strategies on YouTube.
A disc priest and relic hunter who loves to uncover all the new treasures, defeat those pet challenges and collect every pet. Also known as Cymre Brightblade. Catch more Warcraft secret guides on YouTube.
Oh, good luck! If you have the Blossoming Ancient and Darkmoon Tonk, you can try this strategy. I’ve been using this Cymre Brightblade strat for the last couple of years.
You can also level a pet over 3 Draenor or Pandaria battles if you use the Safari Hat and both pet treats.
If that reward looks like I think it’s going to, I better get pet leveling :(
Still haven’t managed to beat your NPC yet though so I need to practice.
Oh, good luck! If you have the Blossoming Ancient and Darkmoon Tonk, you can try this strategy. I’ve been using this Cymre Brightblade strat for the last couple of years.
You can also level a pet over 3 Draenor or Pandaria battles if you use the Safari Hat and both pet treats.