It’s a little ironic that the one pet I featured the most (during the beta) ended up being the one I’ve tamed last. I first wrote about the Pandarian Hunter Pets which WoW Insider was kind enough to link to on twitter. Over the course of the beta, the quilen model went through a few remodelling changes which were illustrated in my Evolution of the Quilen post.

Portent may be found in several different colours, much like Madexx in Uldum. I picked up his Dusty Tracks towards the end of his path – just before Bin-Jai the Butcher in the western part of the Vale of Endless Blossoms. For his complete track, you can follow Euphy’s post.


Another for the collection



A little bit later, I was able to track the green version around the same spot.



Here are the last two colours for comparison.

Portent - purple




By the way, as part of Cyber Monday Deals Week at Amazon you can now buy the Collector’s Boxed Edition for Mists of Pandaria at half price! So if you haven’t splurged yet, what better time to?