The Relic Hunter is a title rewarded from a series of exploration achievements in Mists of Pandaria. There are 28 lost treasures scattered around the continent but you’ll only need 20 for the meta-achievement. A few of these heirlooms are some of my favourite models in the game and have a few spawning areas. They are also rare spawns so won’t always be up. Once you’ve looted an item on one character, you won’t be able to loot it again.
There are four parts to the meta:
I was determined to get my 20th item tonight once I managed to find my 19th item earlier today. Ironically, I thought the Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm would be one of my 20 items when it happened to be my first and only one on the beta. It’s funny how things turn out.
Jade Forest

Ancient Jinyu Staff – located at the bottom of a riverbed (can appear in several spots along the river)

Ancient Pandaren Mining Pick can spawn in several locations inside Greenstone Quarry (entrance at 46.1, 29.1)

Hammer of Ten Thunders which can spawn in a few spots around the Terrace of Ten Thunders

Jade Infused Blade is looted from the Jade Warrior Statue NPC

Wodin’s Mantid Shanker – spawns in Owens Wishing Well (39, 7)
Valley of the Four Winds
Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm looted from the Ghostly Pandaren Fisherman. He despawns pretty quickly once you’ve clicked on him.

Ancient Pandaren Woodcutter – talk to the Ghostly Pandaren Craftsman located NE of Halfhill (45,38)

Cache of Pilfered Goods – go to the northern end inside the rabbit hole (43, 37)
Krasarang Wilds

Equipment Locker – Unga Ingoo (on the bottom of the boat)

Pandaren Fishing Spear – spawns behind Uncle Deming
Kun Lai Summit

Kafa Press – looted from the Frozen Trail Packer inside the yeti cave ( 35, 76)

Sprite’s Cloth Chest – back of Prankster’s Hollow (54, 69)

Sturdy Yaungol Spear – spawned weapon rack in Fire Camp Yongqi (70, 63)

Tablet of Ren Yun – top of Neverest Pinnacle
Townlong Steppes

Yaungol Fire Carrier – can spawn inside a wooden box (66, 44 or 66, 48)
Dread Wastes
Blade of the Prime – looted from the Blade of the Prime
Bloodsoaked Chitin Fragment – looted from the Bloodsoaked Chitin Fragment

Dissector’s Staff of Mutation – lying on the flat white rock at Amber Quarry
Lucid Amulet of the Agile Mind– looted from the Amber Encased Necklace (33, 30)

Manipulator’s Talisman – looted from the Glinting Rapana Whelk
Swarming Cleaver of Ka’roz– looted from the Swarming Cleaver of Ka’roz
Swarmkeeper’s Medallion– looted from the Swarmkeeper’s Medallion
Unfortunately, I didn’t get credit for both the Pick and the Hammer. I wasn’t sure which one wasn’t counting at the time but it appeared to be the Mining Pick.
Phew! I made it.
In the end, I needed another 11 items to get the achievement but at least I have it now.
Cymre the Relic Hunter… not sure if there could ever be a more perfect title for me. :D
Grats on your successful treasure hunting!
Okay mighty relic hunter, I’m receiving you once again. Grats on all those finds!
That is an awesome title, grats!
It does have a nice ring to it. Congrats.
Thx everyone! :D Whoo hoo Tome, that’s great to hear.
I know what you’re thinking. “Did she collect 20 lost treasures or only 19?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is Pandaria, the most awesome expansion, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky?
Ok, now I can say what I want to say :)
I think relic hunter is an awesome title and YOU MUST GO AROUND WEARING IT and find some kind of Lara Croft Tomb Raider outfit to go with it :)
@Kal – I do feel pretty lucky and dedicated :P
@Navi – Thx. I’m already wearing the title and I may make that costume too :)